Words create a world of meaning.
They can open up a conversation and change someone’s world or they can close down a relationship, perhaps forever.
We specialise in helping leaders to confidently and competently lead teams and stakeholders in the conversations necessary to manage the complexity of the workplace by engaging key people, increasing political awareness and facilitating emergent transformation by liberating the necessary changes.
Learn how to successfully engage in a difficult conversation.
Discover the power of listening without judgement, bias and attachment to your position.
Conversational Intelligence (C-IQ) is all about connecting, navigating and growing with others. It provides us with the frameworks for Building TRUST
How we communicate is critical to our professional success and can determine our levels of wellbeing and happiness.
As we relate to another person our brains quickly determine (within 0.07 seconds) whether this person is “friend or foe “. What we say to each other and how we say it is important in building rapport and trust. If we feel threatened by what a person says it triggers a neurochemical response in the brain. Cortisol is released which shuts down access to parts of our brain that control our more sophisticated communication and collaboration skills. We revert to using the more primitive parts of brain and move into protective behaviours namely “flight, fight, freeze or appease”.
Yet when we connect with another person and feel safe and validated our brain releases Oxytocin which encourages “bonding” with another person and creates opportunities for sharing and discovery together with a deepening of relationship. At this level of engagement we co-create new ways of seeing the world and partner to find innovative solutions that can transform lives. The implications are significant both in the workplace in our personal communications.
Judith E. Glaser and the CreatingWE ® Institute are the source of the Conversational Intelligence® materials and framework. Judith E. Glaser was a renowned business strategist and sought after author and speaker. The C-IQ framework and resources are underpinned by learning from neuroscience. More information is available at: http://www.creatingwe.com/benchmark/conversational-intelligence
In December 2016 Robert Stocks completed year long studies with Judith and her team to be an “Certified C-IQ Coach”. All ICS Coaching Programs and training workshops deliver accessible and practical C-IQ tools to better understand and access and enhance your Conversational Intelligence. Services include:-
- Exceptional Executives Coaching Programs provide a range of Conversational Intelligence tools essential to:
- demonstrate empowering communication
- inspire co-creating conversations
- maximise influence and positive organisational impact
- Engaged Workplaces and Business Coaching Programs utilise the CI-Q framework and tools to support Managers in leading Organisational Development initiatives with care, courage and candour. They create a culture that:
- encourages transparency and open communication
- candid conversations that prime for trust and refocus negativity into positive action and generate solutions. This is especially useful for engaging teams in transition and importing conflict management skills into the organisation
- Inspired Careers Coaching Your interactions with others through networking and job search activities will greatly aid your job search efforts. Your ability to communicate your suitability for a role and match your strengths and talents with desired selection criteria is essential to the application process. Beyond this, your ability to build rapport with potential employers is paramount to convincing them of your suitability for their organisation or business at the interview. C-IQ tools increase your awareness and conversational excellence to ensure your written and verbal communication has you performing at your best at all stages of your career search.
“The Conversational Intelligence framework and tools are helping me to transform my workplace conversations from low trust and protective interactions to high trust collaborative conversations with people. Engaging the resources assists me to achieve a more transformational level of conversation characterised by mutual insight, wisdom and trust. Conversational Intelligence is having a significant impact on the quality of my relationships with colleagues and allowing me to feel better about myself while achieving innovative outcomes with my team and stakeholders. Even better, Conversational Intelligence is having a positive impact on my conversations outside of work as well”
Neil Ducker, National Executive – Technical Client Support for a large media organisation